tirsdag 5. juli 2011

Forest of men

In a forest, not wery different from our forests. Stood a man, or a tree maybe something in between. His arms great and big like logs and his legs planted deep into the earth where he stood. His head were high up in the clouds. Some birds had buildt a nest in his ear.

His hair were hanging over his face. Hiding his eyes from the world. If the world could see them they would see two dark spots looking almost as if they were dead and filled with blood.

But there were life in them. A spark of light far back in them. He enjoyed standing there. In the forest of men

What's even stranger is that there are many men like him, standing there with their arms outstretched. Great large men. As you probably can guess, this is not our world.

This is a world where plants won the evolution race and man became what we consider soulless trees.

The inhabitants of this world are ofcourse plants, they move accross the surface of their planet with roots. Lifting them up from the ground. Their leaves have formed a handlike strcture and has the ability to grabb things.

They are quite skilled even if they are far beyhond us in their development. Or maybe they aren't, because even if they are sort of beyhond us they have no wars and live in perfect harmony with different races of plants.

They call themselves Herbolovians. They live in houses wery different from ours made of wood. The houses are buildt in a round shape with a small pipe in the middle ontop.

To get around they ride something that looks like a crossing between a rabbit and a unicorn. Well actually it's more a rabbit with a horn. To them rabbits are carnivores. They feed them with cattle. Ofcourse their cattle are not like ours. They look like they were made from the bark of a tree with four legs looking like rolledup leaves.

The Herbolovians dont need much to survive. Water and sun, they even produced their own energy. That was in the end the thing that made them beat man in the evolution race.Now you are probably thinking why I tell you about them.

Well actually they are rather important for this story, I could go on forever about the Herbolovians but the most important information has already been shared with you. The great man were standing in his spot, staring at the sun. Her were wondering where the little green things that used to bring him food were.

They came three times a day and threw something in his mouth. A mouth that was always open.

But this particular day the green things (which were ofcourse the Herbolovians) hadn't been there. He asked one of the other men if they had seen the Herbolovians. They had'nt seen them. Now he started to get worried, they haven't missed a meal for every day of his long life. But then he got relieved the Herbolovians were moving towards him.

But his joy lasted for only a brief second when he sees a huge blade with many teeth. As they move closer to him he starts to scream and shake. Movements the Herbolovians wont hear or see. As the blade dug into his leg and his blood started flowing from the wound.

One of the Herbolovians say something about this being a greasy and dirty job. The man is now crying and screaming in pain, trying to get away from the blade but can't. He stops for a while when he feels another blade dig itself into his other leg.

Then he starts again. He starts to fall, his face hit the ground hard and a jolt of pain runs through his nose as it starts bleeding aswell.

The Herbolovians bind both his legs where they have cut to keep as much of his blood from leaking out. But what they really want is his bonemarrow . They grind it up and put it in water to make a nutritious energy drink.

The bones are used for furniture and made into jewelry. The skin is a restproduct that they dispose of, usually they feed it to the other men to make them grow.

They put the man on a wagon pulled by many workerrabbits and dragged to a sawmill. They hook him up on a board where they can pull him onto a rotating saw.

He can't see the saw but he can almost feel it as he moves closer and closer to it. As the saw meets the stubb on his leg he scream once more and tried to get loose from the board.

A young Herbolovian looks at him and tell her father that she think the man is showing pain. The adult Herbolovian laughs and tell her that they can't feel anything, they are not really alive in the same sense as themselves are.

The man thought he was dead, everything goes dark and he cannot see or hear anything anymore.

Then he woke upp again. He is inside one of the Herbolovians home. Looking around on the furniture, it seems familiar but he cannot understand why.

Then he realized why, it was him. The chair, the table and even the floor. It was him. He acts confused. Why would anyone want to harm him. He who hasn't harmed anyone. Even birds have been living inside his ear.

This is where we leave our huge friend.

He felt everything that the Herbolovians put him through and as he grows older and older his energy grows weaker. He is dying slowly and maybe he one day get to rest.

He felt all that they put him through. The Herbolovians did not see or hear him.

Maybe it's like this in our world, maybe we are killing of something that can feel, hear and smell things.

But are powerless to do anything about it.

Think about that next time you sit on your chair made of wood or eat an apple. (C)

First and only

This will be my only nonstory in this blogg.
Just remember that theese stories are the roughs, so they will not have a complete grammar and might not even stay like that when I get the pure complete story.

So don't think to much about stupid errors and try to enjoy the stories.

Final word is, all stories are my own, you might see traces from movies and books here, but all in all, they are my stories!